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How does fatigue affect the daily lives of your patients with PsA?
  • The FACIT-F is a 13-item questionnaire that assesses self-reported fatigue and its impact on daily activities and function1*

In FUTURE 5, in biologic-naive patients

  • At 1 year, patients in the 300 mg arm and the 150 mg arm experienced a 40% and 61% mean change from baseline in FACIT-F (n=147), respectively2

In FUTURE 5, fatigue was measured by FACIT-F, a prespecified exploratory end point at 1 year. Results were analyzed using MMRM in a subgroup of biologic-naive patients. No clinical or statistical conclusions can be drawn.1,2

Items in the FACIT-F questionnaire are relevant to patients with PsA, and include1:
  • I feel tired

  • I need help doing my usual activities

  • I have to limit my social activities because I am tired

  • I feel weak all over

Hear what matters to patients
A patient’s experience:
“It gets fatiguing sometimes. But I don’t let it slow me down. I keep moving and pushing through.”

Meet Joni

Joni, an actual patient with PsA on COSENTYX, was compensated for her time. Individual results may vary.

A patient's experience

At 1 year in the mixed population, the FACIT-F scores were 14.1 and 16.9 for groups receiving COSENTYX 300 mg (n=206) and COSENTYX 150 mg (n=202), respectively.1,2

At baseline in the mixed population, the FACIT-F scores were 21.6, 23.6, and 21.7 for groups receiving COSENTYX 300 mg (n=220), COSENTYX 150 mg (n=218), and placebo (n=328), respectively. At Week 16, the FACIT-F scores were 15.4, 17.1, and 18.8 for groups receiving COSENTYX 300 mg (n=214), COSENTYX 150 mg (n=210), and placebo (n=303), respectively.1

*On a scale of 0 ("not at all") to 4 ("very much").1

ALL-IN-ONE relief in AS

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*Limitations apply. Up to a $16,000 annual limit. Offer not valid under Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state program. Novartis reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this program without notice. Limitations may apply in MA and CA. For complete Terms and Conditions details, call 1-844-267-3689.


FACIT-F, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue; MMRM, mixed-effect model repeated measure; PsA, psoriatic arthritis.


1. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 Clinical Study Report Interim Analysis-Week 24. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; November 2017.

2. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 (FUTURE 5): Interim Data Analysis Report FACIT-Fatigue data through Week 52. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; April 2019.

3. Data on file. CAIN457F2312 Clinical Study Report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; October 2014.

4. Cosentyx. Prescribing information. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.

5. Data on file. CAIN457A2313 Clinical Study Report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; November 2015.

6. Data on file. CAIN457F2312 Interim Study Report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; November 2015.

7. Mease P, van der Heijde D, Landewé R, et al. Secukinumab improves active psoriatic arthritis symptoms and inhibits radiographic progression: primary results from the randomised, double-blind, phase III FUTURE 5 study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2018;77(6):890-897.

a. Baraliakos X, Gossec L, Pournara E, et al. Secukinumab in patients with psoriatic arthritis and axial manifestations: results from the double-blind, randomised, phase 3 MAXIMISE trial. Ann Rheum Dis. 2021;80(5):582-590.

b. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 (FUTURE 5): 2-Year Interim Report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; May 2019.

c. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 (FUTURE 5): 2-Year Interim Report PASI 90 and ACR Components data. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; January 2020.

d. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 (FUTURE 5): 2-Year Interim Report mNAPSI and PASI 100 data. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; October 2019.

e. Data on file. CAIN457H2315 Data Analysis Report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; April 2020.

f. Data on file. CAIN457H2315 Clinical Study Report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; November 2019.

g. Data on file. CAIN457F2310 Data Analysis Report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; June 2019.

h. Data on file. CAIN457F2310 (MEASURE 2): Nocturnal Back Pain. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; February 2021.

i. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 (FUTURE 5): Interim Data Analysis Report FACIT-Fatigue data through Week 52. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; April 2019.

j. Poddubnyy DA, Rudwaleit M, Listing J, Braun J, Sieper J. Comparison of a high sensitivity and standard C reactive protein measurement in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010;69(7):1338-1341.

k. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 Clinical Study Report Interim Analysis-Week 24. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; November 2017.

l. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 (FUTURE 5): 2-Year HAQ-DI biologic-naive data. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; February 2021.

m. Cosentyx. Prescribing information. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.

n. Data on file. Selected EAIRs MEASURE 2 Year 5. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; January 2020.

o. Nash P, Mease PJ, McInnes IB, et al; on behalf of the FUTURE 3 study group. Efficacy and safety of secukinumab administration by autoinjector in patients with psoriatic arthritis: results from a randomized, placebo-controlled trial (FUTURE 3). Arthritis Res Ther. 2018;20(1):47.

p. Data on file. LTD Cosentyx Prescriber and Patient Counts. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; July 2021.

q. Boonen A, Sieper J, van der Heijde D, et al. The burden of non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2015;44(5):556-562.