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COSENTYX is a PsO treatment proven effective for adults with active PsA

In pivotal study FUTURE 2 in adults with active PsA

A majority of patients achieved ACR20 response at Week 24 (NRI)1*

(P<0.0001 for both Rx groups vs placebo)*

  • COSENTYX 300 mg (n=100): 54%

  • COSENTYX 150 mg (n=100): 51%

  • Placebo (n=98): 15%

*Except where noted, patients received an initial once-weekly x5 weeks loading dose followed by doses every 4 weeks.1


#1 Prescribed biologic

TRx share for PsA/AS/nr-axSpA written by rheumatology specialty groups, including rheumatologists, rheumatology NPs/PAs, and PCPs. Additional data adjustment factors are applied using Symphony Xponent and APLD data. TRx is total prescriptions (NBRx + refills). Data report prescriptions for patients receiving an anti–IL-17 or anti–IL-23 for PsA/AS/nr-axSpA from January 1, 2020, to June 1, 2021.3

Structural joint damage can be irreversible4
In the FUTURE 5 trial in adults with active PsA

COSENTYX was proven to inhibit the progression of joint structural damage5

Clinical Trail Results for Joint Structural Damage

aResults from a linear mixed effects model that excluded data after escape for placebo subjects who received escape therapy at Week 16. The model assumes approximately linear progression over time and estimates a difference in rates (slopes) of progression over 24 weeks to compare treatment arms.5
bRepresents COSENTYX 150 mg with loading dose (LD).
cNo disease progression is defined as change from baseline in mTSS of less than or equal to 0.5
mTSS measures radiographic progression in the hands and feet and is expressed as the sum of two components: erosion scores and joint space narrowing.5
In FUTURE 5, separate radiographs of each hand/wrist and each foot were taken at baseline, Week 16, and Week 24. Bone erosion, joint space narrowing, and total radiographic scores were determined using a PsA-modified van der Heijde-Sharp scoring method that included the second through fifth distal interphalangeal joints of each hand.4,5 

In FUTURE 5, in a mixed population of about 2/3 biologic-naive and 1/3 anti-TNF-α inadequate responders6

Majority of patients had improvement in their ability to function at 1 year4

The HAQ-DI score is an assessment of patients' ability to6:

The HAQ-DI Score Assesses Patient Abilities
Patients achieving a meaningful HAQ-DI response at 1 year (a prespecified exploratory analysis) using nonresponder imputation6,7§
  • 60% of patients in the 300 mg group (n=220)4

  • 58% of patients in the 150 mg group (n=219)4

  • At Week 16, 62% and 55% of patients in the COSENTYX 300 mg and 150 mg arms, respectively, had a meaningful HAQ-DI response6‡

  • At baseline, mean HAQ-DI scores were 1.2, 1.3, and 1.3 for the groups receiving COSENTYX 300 mg, COSENTYX 150 mg, and placebo, respectively. Mean change at Week 16: -0.55, -0.44, and -0.21, respectively6

In FUTURE 5, ACR20 response rates at Week 16 (primary end point) were 63% for COSENTYX 300 mg (P<0.0001), 56% for COSENTYX 150 mg (P<0.0001), and 27% for placebo.

Defined as a change from baseline HAQ-DI score of ≥0.3.7
§All patients who met escape criteria (less than 20% improvement in tender or swollen joint counts) at Week 16 were considered nonresponders at Week 20 and Week 24.  Results were analyzed using nonresponder imputation.6

*Limitations apply. Valid only for those with private insurance. Program provides up to $16,000 annually for the cost of COSENTYX and up to $150 per infusion (up to $1,950 annually) for the cost of administration. Co-pay support for infusion administration cost not available in Rhode Island or Massachusetts. Offer not valid under Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state program. Novartis reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this program without notice. See complete Terms & Conditions for details.

ACR, American College of Rheumatology; ALPB=Anonymous Longitudinal Patient Level Data; AS, ankylosing spondylitis; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; IL, interleukin; mTSS, modified Total Sharp Score; NBRx, new-to-brand Rx; NP, nurse practitioner; nr-axSPA, non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis; NRI, nonresponder imputation; PA, physician associate/physician assistant; PCP, primary care physician; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; PsO, plaque psoriasis; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; TRx, total prescriptions.

1. McInnes IB et al. for the FUTURE 2 Study Group. Secukinumab, a human anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody, in patients with psoriatic arthritis (FUTURE 2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2015;386(9999):1137-1146.
2. Data on file. Cosentyx US Weekly Prescription Tracker. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; August 2022.
3. Data on file. IQVIA NPA Smart Portal. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; September 2021.
4. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 (FUTURE 5): Week 52 Interim Report. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; August 2018.
5. Mease P et al. Secukinumab improves active psoriatic arthritis symptoms and inhibits radiographic progression: primary results from the randomised, double-blind phase III FUTURE 5 study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2018;77(6):890-897.
6. Mease PJ et al. Managing patients with psoriatic disease: the diagnosis and pharmacologic treatment of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis. Drugs. 2014;74(4):423-441.
7. Data on file. CAIN457F2342 Clinical Study Report Interim Analysis-Week 24. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp; November 2017